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February 3, 2021

Celesq: What is Authorized Access and How Do Employers Deal with Misuse of Access Credentials Post-Van Buren vs United States

We have partnered with Celesq to present a program providing ways for employers to employ means statutorily, contractually, and technologically to protect their trade secrets and other confidential and proprietary information from misuse, exfiltration and alteration. On Wednesday, February 3 at 12:00 PM ET, CSG’s Michelle A. Schaap will present, "What is 'Authorized Access' and How Do Employers Deal with Misuse of Access Credentials Post-Van Buren vs United States," which will discuss:

  • A brief review of the Circuit Courts' split on the interpretation of the CFAA which led to the Van Buren case and the CFAA coming before the Supreme Court;

  • A sampling of states' laws that attorneys, employers and advisors can consider to protect their "secret sauce" after the fact;

  • Contractual and technology and data management tools that can and should be implemented proactively to protect proprietary information; and

  • The mandates on attorneys to be aware of those tools.

Celesq has provided a first-time user code to allow CSG’s clients and contacts to view a program free of charge. Email CSG Events for the code and other registration details.